Who is the Greatest Canadian Pro Wrestler of All Time?
Canada has consistently been a professional wrestling hub for many years, producing some of the best pro wrestlers of all time. This trend is likely to persist indefinitely. One intriguing question we aim to address here though, is: Who deserves the title of the greatest Canadian pro wrestler of all time?
There are numerous interesting candidates for that honor…

Bret Hart
For most people the obvious answer to this question is Bret Hart. If you ask Canadians, they would most likely give you that same answer as well. Bret Hart is without question one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all time and a Canadian national hero, so it’s very hard to debate that. Bret’s legendary career was influential in many ways for future generations of pro wrestlers around the world.
It’s also worth mentioning that Bret Hart is the only wrestler featured in the Canadian Walk of Fame, and was also featured on an episode of The Simpsons.

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho presents an intriguing case. His career has spanned various eras in pro wrestling and different promotions. Jericho’s match record boasts numerous classics. It’s also worth noting the diverse array of gimmicks he successfully portrayed over the years. His longevity in the industry is a compelling factor that solidifies his claim as the greatest Canadian pro wrestler of all time.

Kenny Omega
A more recent candidate for this honor is Kenny Omega, and it’s hard to disagree. Omega has one of the best track records as a big-time match wrestler, and he’s been considered one of the best, if not the best pro wrestler in the world at certain points throughout his career. Chris Jericho and Bret Hart had some of the best years of their careers working with WWE.
But what makes Omega’s career so impressive is the fact that all the success he has been able to obtain has been without ever wrestling inside a WWE ring. When Talking about Omega, we can’t ignore the fact he was an important factor for the creation of AEW, and his legacy will always be tied to it.

Other Greats
So far, we’ve talked about mostly modern candidates for this honor as Canada’s greatest pro wrestler. But we can’t ignore wrestlers like Pat Patterson, Owen Hart, Roddy Piper, Rocky Johnson (yes, The Rock’s father) or even Bret Hart’s father Stu Har. They are wrestlers with really good careers and are some of Canada’s greatest. If we look at the modern era; wrestlers like Edge, Christian Cage, Gail Kim, Kevin Owens and a few others have strong cases to their names.
The most important question tough, is who is the greatest Canadian pro wrestler of all time to you? It’s a question with all different answers and none of them are wrong.
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