Wednesday Night Wars: WWE NXT Week 16 Review
Wednesday Night Wars: WWE NXT Week 16 Review
On the heels of a fantastic NXT UK Takeover, NXT would continue this week with the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. How was the show? Let’s break it down!
Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
We will kick things off with your weekly Dusty Classic update. In the first match of the night “The Broserweights” defeated Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews. It is always interesting when singles wrestlers are put in a team. Riddle and Dunne have similar personalities but totally opposite at the same time. However, the two had incredible chemistry. Dunne and Riddle, sporting matching ring gear looked amazing against Webster and Andrews. Riddle would get the win for his team, pinning Andrews after a brutal ripcord knee.
In the second Dusty Classic match of the evening, the Time Splitters would reunite to take on the Grizzled Young Veterans. For those that may not know, KUSHIDA and Alex Shelley used to be a tag team in Japan. The two have not teamed since 2015, but have not missed a step. The chemistry between the two was flawless the entire match. I truly believe NXT has the best tag team wrestling in the world, and this was an example of that. Nothing I can say here can do the match justice, so I suggest you just go watch it. In a shocking turn of events, Grizzled Young Veterans picked up the win. I really hope this isn’t the last we see of KUSHIDA and Shelley in NXT. This match was as close to perfect as you can get.
Lio Rush vs Tyler Breeze vs Isiah “Swerve” Scott
Now before I get into the match itself (insane) I want to talk about one thing. Angel Garza was on commentary for this match and my God. The charisma that man has when he talks is insane. If WWE is looking for a Latino star, they have found it. As for the match, it was phenomenal as you’d expect it to be. Back and forth Cruiserweight action, insane spots, this was amazing from bell-to-bell. It had a lot of storytelling but still had crazy spots.
Lee loses It
NXT actually kicked off with Keith Lee, cutting a promo about his championship match next week. The promo was fantastic as you’d expect, he is so over with the NXT audience. He would unsurprisingly get attacked by North American Champion Roderick Strong and the rest of Undisputed Era. Later on in the night, Lee would go on an absolute rampage. During an interview outside Full Sail, the Undisputed Era would confront Gargano and Ciampa. Security held them back until Keith Lee came into the scene. Throwing one security guard over a bush, one into a car windshield, and one into a production truck. He would then cut a fiery promo exclaiming that the Undisputed Era’s (draped in gold) prophecy would end next week.
Grade: A. I might be a bit generous with my gradings the past couple weeks, but NXT is so good. I didn’t even get to mention that Bianca Belair won a battle royal to earn an NXT Women’s Championship Match. This week’s NXT was perfect from start to finish, and there was nothing I didn’t enjoy. I already can’t wait for next week!
Average Rating