Wednesday Night Wars: WWE NXT Week 27 Review

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NXT has been very inconsistent since the Coronavirus has taken over. One week they kill it, the next week it’s meh. So what category did this fall under? Let’s get into it!

Velveteen Dream vs. Bobby Fish

NXT started with a fantastic match this week as Velveteen Dream squared off against Bobby Fish. This match was fantastic from bell-to-bell which is no surprise. I expected a good match out of these two, but they killed it.

It amazes me how good Dream is, only being 24 years old. Dream got the big win with the Dream Valley Driver. Dream then called out Adam Cole for their eventual title match. A fantastic way to start the show, and unfortunately, it didn’t get any better.

Dexter Lumis vs. Jake Atlas

Following that, Dexter Lumis took on Jake Atlas. I expected a squash out of this but Atlas got some offense in.

When Lumis signed with NXT I did not quite know what to think of him. However, I am becoming a really big fan of Lumis! He has such a unique look and he is really good in the ring. Lumis got the win as expected but not a squash by any means. I would not be surprised if Lumis is in the North American championship scene shortly.

NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee vs. Dominik Dijakovic vs. Damian Priest

I was very excited for this main event because it was being advertised as a Takeover level match. They even had the Takeover logo displayed on the tron. I am not sure why but this match fell kind of flat for me.

The match just seemed like it never got into third gear. It was not a bad match, don’t get me wrong, but it did not live up to expectations. Keith Lee got the win as I think we all assumed he’d win. I hope this is it for Dijakovic and Lee for now. They have amazing matches but I want something fresh for Lee now.

Grade: C+

This show was not very good. I mentioned the inconsistency earlier and this was one of those off weeks. Dream vs. Strong was very good, and Dakota Kai won a very good gauntlet but it was a bit of a skippable episode this week.

About Post Author

Austin Luff

Austin Luff is a broadcasting student at Durham College and one of the original writers at The Scrap, contributing since the site's inception. Passionate about MMA, Professional Wrestling and Influencer Boxing, Austin also produces video content for The Scrap's YouTube channel. With his large TikTok following and creativity, Austin was meant to be a Paul brother in this lifetime.
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