Five indie wrestlers WWE and AEW should have on their radar
Independent (Indie) wrestlers are in high demand these days due to the emergence of AEW and NXT. WWE will also keep their eyes on indie...
Four pro wrestlers you should be following on social media
Social media has made the gap between fans and wrestlers shorter; it allows for fans to interact with their favorite wrestlers at any given time. ...
AEW has a talented women’s division that has yet to be fully highlighted
Since AEW's inception, the majority of the focus has been on men, with stars like Kenny, Cody, Jericho, The Bucks, which is no surprise. However,...
Ranking AEW’s top underrated signings
AEW has made many high-level signings since their inception. There's the obvious superstars of The Elite, Lucha Bros, Jon Moxley, Chris Jericho to name a...