Retro Rewind: Would Lance Storm work in Modern Wrestling?
In the depth of professional wrestling‘s prestigious history, Lance Storm is a testament to technical prowess and indefatigable dedication. His “serious” character from the 90s/2000s showcased elite (Yes, ELITE) in-ring ability and a no-nonsense attitude that set him apart from his time’s striking, over-the-top, larger-than-life personalities.
However, as the world of professional wrestling has evolved into a spectacle of entertainment and social media-driven characters, The Scrap ponders whether Storm’s persona would successfully translate to the modern era.
Lance Storm Highest-Rated Matches
*Match ratings according to Cagematch Internet Wrestling Database
ROH – Better Than Our Best, 2006
- Promotion: Ring of Honor (ROH)
- Rating: 8.53/10
- Participants: Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Storm
- How to Watch: Highlights
ECW Heat Wave, 1999
- Promotion: Extreme Championship Wrestling
- Rating: 7.43
- Participants: Jerry Lynn & Rob Van Dam vs. Justin Credible & Lance Storm
- How to Watch: Peacock (Subscription Required)
WWF Royal Rumble, 2002
- Promotion: World Wrestling Federation
- Rating: 7.32
- Participants: Albert vs. Al Snow vs. Billy Gunn vs. Booker T vs. Bradshaw vs. Christian vs. Chuck vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Faarooq vs. Goldust vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kane vs. Kurt Angle vs. Lance Storm vs. Matt Hardy vs. Maven vs. Mr. Perfect vs. Perry Saturn vs. Rikishi vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Steve Austin vs. Test vs. The Big Bossman vs. The Big Show vs. The Godfather vs. The Hurricane vs. The Undertaker vs. Triple H vs. Val Venis
- How to Watch: Peacock (Subscription Required)
Would Lance Storm Work in Today’s Pro Wrestling Scene?
To truly understand the greatness of Lance Storm, one should fully understand his character. Storm’s Canadian temperament in the 90s/2000s was a breath of fresh air amidst the chaos of outlandish gimmicks and over-the-top personas, but we won’t name any names. He epitomized technical wrestling, captivating audiences with his seamless mat skills, perfect drop kicks, and uncompromising precision in the ring. Storm’s no-frills approach and choice to disregard a high-flying move set allowed his in-ring abilities to shine, establishing him as a true wrestling technician that is loved by the wrestling world today.
Since the days of the Attitude Era, pro wrestling has undergone a significant metamorphosis. The industry has shifted from the gimmick character era to a more entertainment-focused experience. Audiences now crave the attention of their favorite wrestling stars 24/7 on social media and beg for interaction with their favorites on TV. Today, fans need larger-than-life personalities, compelling storylines, and engaging promos, causing the emphasis on pure wrestling ability to take a backseat to instantaneous entertainment.
While Storm’s character possesses undeniable strengths, it faces challenges in the current wrestling landscape. The demand for vibrant personalities and captivating gimmicks may overshadow Storm’s no-nonsense approach.
However, there are potential avenues for a perceived negative to become an outright positive. The growing appreciation for technical wrestling skills, showcased in promotions like NXT and AEW, provides an opportunity for Storm’s character to connect with modern fans who appreciate the artistry of the sport. Plus, for those who follow Storm on social media, it’s easy to see how a cult following could be built from the foundation of not accepting nonsense.
(I mean, think of the hashtags and quotables that would have been trending from Lance Storm gimmick segments.)
To truly gauge the feasibility of Storm’s character in today’s era, we can examine how other wrestlers navigated similar transitions. Wrestlers like Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle retained their essence while adapting to the modern landscape. Their ability to balance their technical skills with vibrant personalities and storytelling demonstrates the potential for Storm to find his place.
Especially because there isn’t another wrestler on the planet with as much personality as a wrestler portraying limited personality.
The Verdict
So would Lance Storm find success in today’s wrestling landscape?
While Storm’s technical prowess and no-nonsense attitude possess an inherent appeal, the modern era demands more than pure wrestling ability. However, Storm has mastered the art and brilliance of minimalism in a realm known for its extravagance. That makes him unique, special, and unforgettable.
Name another pro wrestler in the history of existence who deliberately presented a blank canvas onto which the audience projected their emotions and desires. This absence became a powerful presence, inviting viewers to engage with Storm’s technical wizardry and appreciate the subtleties of his craft. The same way that they would engage with the character today on social media.
Ultimately, the success of Storm’s Canadian character in the modern era hinges on his ability to strike a delicate balance between his technical mastery and an updated persona that captivates the audience. The world of pro wrestling thrives on innovation, and it’s within this realm that Storm’s character can find new life, bridging the gap between the old and the new while remaining true to its core identity.
Lance Storm Championships & Accomplishments
Canadian Rocky Mountain Wrestling
- CRMW Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Championship (5 times)
- CRMW North American Championship (1 time)
- CRMW North American Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Chris Jericho
Canadian Wrestling Connection
- CWC Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
- CWC Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Chris Jericho
- Royal Rumble
Catch Wrestling Association
- CWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
Extreme Championship Wrestling
- ECW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Chris Candido (1) and Justin Credible (2)
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
- Ranked No. 13 of the Top 500 singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2001
- Ranked No. 322 of the Top 500 singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003
Smoky Mountain Wrestling
- SMW Beat the Champ Television Championship (1 time)
Wrestle Association “R”
- WAR International Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Yuji Yasuraoka
- WAR World Six-Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Kouki Kitahara and Nobutaka Araya
World Championship Wrestling
- WCW Hardcore Championship (1 time)
- WCW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)
- WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
- WCW United States Championship Tournament
World Wrestling Federation / World Wrestling Entertainment
- WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
- WWE/World Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Christian (1), William Regal (2), and Chief Morley (1)
Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- Most Underrated (2001)
Average Rating