EXCLUSIVE: Channing Tatum could play Ian Heinisch in Hollywood movie about his life
A movie about Ian Heinisch’s life could hit a theatre near you in the future.
Heinisch recently cracked the UFC middleweight rankings after his win over Antonio Carlos Jr. at UFC Rochester. With only two UFC wins on his resume, Heinisch earned his #11 ranking and could easily be fighting for the title as early as next year.
With a few more wins, Ian could continue writing his incredible story with a chapter titled, “And New.”
Ian has been very open about his story. So much that it is in the process of being made into a Hollywood movie. His piece on The Player’s Tribune gives you a chilling glimpse into the life of “The Hurricane” and what to expect in his major film. From fleeing Colorado, to surviving the failed jail system of the United States, and spending time bettering himself while locked up in Spain, Heinisch’s story is not only inspiring – it’s meant to be told by only the best movie producers in the game.
Oh, and Channing Tatum is one of the names being tossed around for playing Ian.
Tatum better start practicing his Spanish, because if he’s going to play Ian, he’ll have to speak it very well. They didn’t call him Gringo for nothing. Although the movie is currently on hold while Heinisch makes his championship run, meetings and discussions are happening while the book is being written. Most recently, Heinisch had a conference call with HBO.
All I know is that it’s all-star producers and on top of the movie, he’s coming out with a book that is being worked on.
He did speak to Matt DelPiano about his story who is Al Pacino’s agent, made the movie Captain Phillips.
Everything is still in planning stages.
— J. Torres (@joeygamebred) May 22, 2019
Not defined by his past, there were many moments in prison that helped Heinisch find his purpose and faith. “Ian is one of the hardest working people, he is so motivated, has so much drive,” said Heinisch’s agent, Jason House. “Everything in his life and past has led him to this moment.” Training and working towards bettering his life were some reasons that motivated Ian to get back on track.
Sometimes good people find their way and Ian is proof that you can be more than your past. Whether it’s Tatum or another star actor, the story is what’s important – and Heinisch’s story is still being written.
Ian writes on The Player’s Tribune: “Prison means you don’t deserve to be part of society. But it doesn’t mean you don’t get to be human.”
Heinisch gets to improve his ranking further when he takes on the #9 ranked, Derek Brunson, at UFC 241 in Anaheim, California. A win could land him a top-5 opponent and then a championship opportunity by early 2020.
He’s a star – and don’t be alarmed, Ian is making sure he has complete control on how his story is told. Hollywood could never change a man who’s so sure of his purpose.
Heinisch is ready for the big stage and the bright lights.
Joel Torres spoke to both Ian Heinisch and Jason House. Listen to the full interview with the CEO of Iridium Sports Agency, where we discuss Tatum and the movie, on The Scrap’s official SoundCloud:
Make sure to follow The Scrap News (@thescrapnews) on Twitter.
Joel Torres is a co-owner of The Scrap and its current CEO. Torres is obsessed with MMA and holds a Masters of Science in Integrated Design, Business and Technology from University of Southern California. Make sure to follow Joel on Twitter (@joelisacoolkid).
Do you think they’ll include how he beat the shit out of, and sexually assaulted, his ex-girlfriend? There is no reason to root for him, to celebrate him, or to create a movie about this wretched human’s life.