Wednesday Night Wars: AEW Dynamite Week 27 Review

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This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite took place in an undisclosed location but some clues hint that this episode of the flagship show of AEW took place at the Nightmare Factory in Georgia.

AEW during this episode went back to the idea of using wrestlers of the main roster to generate noise.

Kenny Omega def. Trent Baretta w\ Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor

Great opener and the best match of the night. Both wrestlers looked impressive in this bout. This match took until the last minute of the 20-minute limit to end.

Hikaru Shida def. Anna Jayy

Very good showing for both wrestlers. This was a competitive match and Jayy had a great showing in her debut. With this win, it’s clear that AEW is positioning Shida as Nyla Rose’s next challenger for the AEW women’s championship.

Jon Moxley vs. Jake Hager – video package

A great video package for their upcoming title match that will take place in two weeks. It was announced that this bout would be a no holds barred empty arena match.

Lance Archer def. Marko Stunt

Before the match started, a Jake Roberts video package played hyping up Lance Archer and talking about Cody.

Awesome debut for Lance Archer. Marko Stunt did a great job selling all the offense from Archer.

Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall def. The Dark Order minions 8 & 9

Before the match started, there was a video of Brodie Lee talking to several minions about weakness and yawning. This was fun, but not as strong as last week’s vignette.

Very good match. Dustin and QT had great tag teamwork. The only problem with this match, maybe the fact 8 & 9 got too much offense.

Chris Jericho Vignette

This was very entertaining. Jericho was in his hot tub and cut a great promo running down The Elite and putting himself and The Inner Circle over.

Jericho tried to recruit Vanguard 1 once more but the drone flew away with The Inner Circle shirt Jericho offered him.

Shawn Spears & Sammy Guevara def. Cody & Darby Allin

This was the second-best match of the night. Darby Allin was the MVP of this match. Spears and Guevara worked really well together.

After the match ended, Allin laid out Cody with his right hand and blaming him for the night’s loss.


Very good show, the wrestlers being on ringside generating noise once more helped the matches a lot.

The main event between Allin & Cody vs. Guevara & Spears and Omega vs. Baretta were the best matches of the night and worth checking out.

Jericho once more showing why he is an all-time great and him cutting a promo to a drone is just incredible and must-watch TV.

Rating: A

About Post Author

Juan Carlos Reneo

Juan Carlos Reneo is one of the original writers at The Scrap, contributing since the site’s inception. Hailing from Spain, he is a passionate professional wrestling enthusiast who primarily writes opinionated articles focused on AEW. With a large and devoted following on X, Juan brings unique insights and a dedicated perspective to his coverage of the wrestling world.
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